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Lembaga Pengelola Dana Bergulir Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah Lowongan Kerja

Staf Bisnis Requriements Preferably have an educational background in Economics or Engineering; Strong understanding about the concept and mechanism of the disbursement of credit and loan / financing. Able to work in teams with individual targets. Staf Manajemen Risiko Requirements Preferably have an educational background in Economics. Strong understanding about the concept of Risk Management […]

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PT Garam (Persero) Lowongan Kerja

1    Teknik 2    Dokter Umum 3    Akuntansi 4    Administrasi 5    Hukum 6    Perpajakan General Requirements Female, with maximum age of 27 years old (3, 4, 5, 6). Female, with maximum age of 30 years old (2). Male, with maximum age of 35 years old (1). Minimum education Minimum S1 Engineering (1) Minimum S1 Medical Education […]

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