Urban Sanitation Services Advisor – SNV

SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation. Founded in the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 38 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global teams of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.

In Indonesia, SNV works together with local partners to provide technical expertise in three sectors: Agriculture, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Renewable Energy. For the WASH sector, SNV is focused on increasing access to safely managed sanitation and in sustaining positive changes in hygiene behaviour, by providing scale-able, market driven solutions tailored to rural and urban contexts.

SNV’s Urban Sanitation and Hygiene for Health and Development (USHHD) project
With an urbanization rate of 4.1% per year, by 2025 Indonesia will have 68% of its population living in cities (WB, 2017). This fast paced urbanization brings many human, environmental and economic opportunities but also substantial development challenges. Safely managed sanitation and hygiene is a critical one, to ensure health and prosperity for everyone, especially the urban poor.

In 2015, around 18 million urban people had no access to a toilet while 20 million more were resorting to unimproved sanitation facilities (JMP, 2015). With sewerage coverage existing in only 11 cities and 2% of city residents having no access to centralized sanitation systems, the vast majority of the urban population relies on on-site sanitation systems that are often sub-standard and/or inadequately managed (WSP, 2013). As a result, an estimated 95% of Indonesia’s wastewater is disposed untreated, and pathogens contaminate land and water sources, making faecal coliform from human waste the most excessive pollutant in Indonesian rivers, exceeding the recommended standards by a thousand-fold or more (WSP, 2013; FAO, 2011). Poor urban dwellers that rely the most on unsafe water sources for drinking, cooking and washing are blighted by the resulting water-borne diseases that keep them trapped in a seemingly unbreakable poverty cycle.

SNV sees safely managed sanitation and hygiene as a pre-condition for health and economic development in cities. Our Urban Sanitation and Hygiene for Health and Development project is focused on achieving sustainable and inclusive city-wide sanitation and hygiene services. To achieve this, SNV:
Works together with local authorities to create an appropriate enabling policy and regulatory environment for sanitation services at the local level
Develops financially viable and sustainable business models also with the private sector on the collection, transport, treatment, re-use and safe disposal of human waste
Works with communities to increase their awareness and engagement towards safe and affordable sanitation products and services
Guides the different stakeholders through a process of informed choice regarding technologies, finance strategies and service delivery models, in particular for low-income groups and slum residents.

Position Summary
The purpose of the position is to ensure the development, test and establishment of viable business models for sanitation services targeting different consumer segments. The advisor will be responsible for all the related activities within the Sanitation Services component of the Urban Sanitation and Hygiene for Health and Development project. Specific scope of work within the project is the following:

Steer and oversee the process of establishing/improving viable business models for service providers delivering urban sanitation services across the entire sanitation chain
Ensure that the quality, safety, outreach and affordability of urban sanitation services are progressively increased and that meet the demand of different types of customers
Facilitate the relationship between City Authorities and private service providers and assist in establishing and managing the different roles (oversight, compliance with operational safety and health standards)
Deliver the Urban Sanitation Services component activities, focused on:
Mapping the type and quality of current urban sanitation services provision (including for user interface & containment, emptying & transport, treatment & re-use) and identify gaps
Draft the zonification of different areas (sewerage areas, DEWATS areas, low income with no containment areas, on site with limited access, etc) and identify services required to meet the different needs (upgrading, service options for vulnerable and public areas)
Assess current capacity and business models in place of service providers and design strategies to upgrade these ensuring full cost recovery and quality standards
Assist service providers to test business models and to iteratively improve these, also considering feedback from customers and City Authorities
Support the development of quality certification of urban sanitation services, in line with health and safety standards and official regulations
Lead data collection and research for the urban services component (rapid technical assessments for containment and emptying, action research on current emptying and transport practices, occupational health and safety)
Prepare and deliver meetings/trainings with Government stakeholders and service providers and provide on the job training when needed

Key Responsibilities
Provide high quality, evidence based advisory services on Urban Sanitation Services for city authorities and the private sector
Facilitate exchanges between city authorities and urban sanitation service providers and support a good communication flow between them and the USHHD project team
Contribute for final design of the urban sanitation services component activities, ensuring its relevance and suitability both for the project’s objectives and the local priorities, conditions and constraints
Lead the implementation of urban sanitation services component activities, ensuring its adequate planning, budgeting and timely delivery in coordination with all the relevant stakeholders
Monitor the results of the urban sanitation services component activities and provide critical input to adjust/improve the outcomes whenever relevant
Actively contribute to the USHHD project’s evaluation and learning component
Ensure the USHHD’s project visibility and profiling in line with SNV’s and partners branding guidelines
Comply with SNV’s administrative and financial procedures for project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
Comply with SNV’s Code of Conduct

Candidate Profile
Advanced degree in a related field (e.g. public/environmental health, business and administration, economy);
At least 7 years of experience working in the sanitation sector. Knowledge on Fecal Sludge Management is a plus.
Demonstrated knowledge of the urban sanitation services sector, namely types of services needed for city wide sanitation service delivery, relevant experience in assessing and designing business models, understanding of operational health and safety standards, understanding of public private partnerships,
Understanding of the main challenges and opportunities for city wide sanitation approaches that address the entire sanitation chain (from user interface to safe disposal/re-used), considering financing, provision of services, demand creation and public awareness
Ability to recognize and act on business opportunities in the sanitation sector
Experience in timely managing, delivering and monitoring urban sanitation related activities, including supervising research, facilitating meetings and preparing/delivering trainings and workshops
Experience in designing and/or using research results to shape urban sanitation development interventions and to influence decision making is a plus
Knowledge and skills in project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation;
Experience working with city authorities and relevant private sector
Advanced communication and negotiation skills with different types of stakeholders
Ability to work independently and with the team
Good organizing skills and interpersonal skills
Initiative and creative in solving problems
Native Bahasa Indonesia speaker with a good command of spoken and written English
Good computer skills (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point, Internet and Outlook)

Contract duration: 1 year, with the possibility of extension

Desired start date: October/ November 2017

How to apply
If you believe that your credentials meet the outlined profile, we invite you to apply by sending your CV and letter of motivation in English to jobsindonesia@snv.org before 11 October 2017 with subject “Urban Sanitation Services Specialist”.

Working at SNV
SNV offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. We offer a challenging work environment, opportunities to lead and innovate, and a commitment to growing your skills in a fulfilling and diverse working environment. For more information, please visit our website: www.snv.org

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