Nutrition International (formerly the Micronutrient Initiative) has been working to improve the nutritional status of women and children in Indonesia since 2006. Against the backdrop of its nutrition-centric experience and expertise in the region, with funding from DFAT Australia, Nutrition International in cooperation with MoH is implementing the ‘MITRA Youth’ – An initiative to reduce anaemia and improve nutritional status of adolescent girls aged 15-18 years in 20 districts of East Java and East Nusa Tenggara provinces in Indonesia.
Prior to the program implementation, in addition to the quantitative baseline survey, a quantitative school assessment and qualitative formative research will be conducted among school going adolescents girls, teachers and other individuals who have the potential to influence girls’ nutrition behaviors including parents and relatives of the adolescents. In the formative research, the intent is to understand current knowledge, perceptions, and practices that will feed into a Behaviour Change Communication strategy to improve awareness regarding dosing, adherence and benefits of IFA supplements. In addition, knowledge about the causes, symptoms and consequences of anaemia, ways to prevent anaemia, the possible reasons for non-adherence to IFA, availability of water, consumption of food before supplementation, knowledge of IFA dose, duration and benefits, methods to overcome side effects of IFA consumption- especially in earlier weeks of consumption, counselling provided and use of behaviour change communication materials by health workers will also be assessed from the school going adolescent girl’s perspective. Adherence is highly linked to school attendance, so an assessment of enrollment vs. attendance and trends and reasons for non –attendance, including menstrual-hygiene management, should be explored.
Required Qualifications of the Research Team:
a) Nutrition epidemiologist with PhD level training and more than 5 years experience (or Masters degree and 10 yrs experience) in designing and conducting formative research/and or public health evaluation studies. A track record for publications in high impact peer reviewed journals is a plus.
b) Maternal and child health expert with more than 5 years experience in conducting maternal and newborn health research and programs. A track record for publications in high impact peer reviewed journals is a plus.
c) One of the above will also be an expert in qualitative data collection, transcription, coding and interpretation or an additional team member will be included who is such an expert. This individual will lead on reviewing all in-depth interview (IDI), Key informant interview (KII) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) guides or observation checklists, and will supervise required training of staff conducting IDIs/ KIIs/ FGDs or observation checklists and implementation of the activities like; transcribing, coding and analysis using appropriate qualitative data analysis software programs such as Nvivo or Atlas Ti. This individual will ensure that all guides / checklists are approved by NI prior to implementation.
d) The research/ survey team will be responsible for having the licenses for both qualitative and quantitative data analysis software.
Interested consultant firm/inistitution shall submit the following documents:
· Company/Firm/Inistitutions Profile with the research/ survey team’s up-to-date CVs with current level of time commitment and previous/current grants must be provided to NI as annex to the project proposal.
· Cover letter
· References (minimum 3 relevant experiences)
· Proposal including financial submission (for bidding)
Please submit the documents to or send to The Micronutrient Initiative, Gd. Wirausaha Lt. 2, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C-5 Jakarta 12940, Indonesia.
Deadline for submission: September 4, 2017