We are a medical suppliers company who are distributing in various line of medical disciplines such as Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Urology and Uro-gynecology. We are currently supplying various medical implants and instruments for those disciplines and we are currently in partnership with Aesculap BBraun Medical, American Medical Systems, and some other principals.
Our Product:
Male / Female
Single (priority) / married
Age: 22-35 years
Education: Minimum S1
Experience min 1 year in SURGICAL IMPLANT is preferable
Able to communicate in English (Active)
Have a high motivation to learn and hardworking
Not limited by time and working hours.
Ability to work under pressure
Placement in JAKARTA
Training will be available in house and overseas
Jika Anda tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan resume lengkap dan pas foto terbaru Anda ke alamat:
Gd. Tripatria Lt. 6, Jl. Musi No 37, Jakarta Pusat
Email : Info@urogen.co.id