National Consultant for Innovations – International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Project Background
The community flood resilience project has been implemented in Indonesia since 2014 along three river basins – Bengawan Solo, Ciliwung and Citarum. It is a part of the global partnership between Zurich Insurance and IFRC. The partnership sits within the wider Zurich Global Flood Resilience Alliance; a cross sector collaboration which brings a diversity of skills and expertise to enhance community flood resilience solutions. In Indonesia, the project is implemented by Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) in partnership with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Zurich Insurance Indonesia. The project is now in the last year of implementation period and will be completed by the end of 2017.

In 2016, IFRC launched an innovation challenge for disaster risk reduction. In total, 65 innovations were submitted as part of an innovation challenge. The innovations were reviewed and shortlisted, with the support of partners including the Pulse Lab Jakarta and Humanitarian Leadership Academy. From the
65 submission, a total of 9 innovations were selected for showcasing a two-day flood innovation conference was held in Jakarta, on 23 and 24 February 2017. This conference was a collaboration between Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Zurich Insurance. This unique conference connected local innovators to potential donors and other partners to help scale up their ideas, thereby enhancing the innovation ecosystem in Indonesia.

Key partners to this conference included Pulse Lab Jakarta, Humanitarian Leadership Academy, and Hamburg University of Technology. Nine promising local innovative solutions and lead users to flood management were showcased. PMI, in consultation with IFRC and Zurich Indonesia have selected six innovations to develop and field test. This consultancy will assist to develop the ideas.

The Community Floods Resilience project contracted Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) to undertake a study of project areas, namely the Citarum River, including Bandung District area namely Bojongsoang, Dayeuhkolot, and Citeureup, and Karawang District Area, namely village of Parungsari, Tanjungpura and Purwadana. The report analyses the environment and make recommendations for rehabilitation activities. These activities are very important to increase water infiltration and maintain biodiversity in riparian ecosystems (around water bodies). Increased water infiltration will reduce erosion and sedimentation, which can minimize the impact of flooding when the rainy season and to prevent drought during the dry season.

Based on research, IPB have drafted a report including a Roadmap Implementation Plan. IFRC and PMI would like to socialise the Plan to Government, private sector and community stakeholders and several of the short-term recommendations implemented.

Project objectives:
This consultancy will support two pieces of work:
1. Develop the Innovations selected by PMI, Zurich and IFRC, and
2. Take forward the short-term recommendations from flood mitigation based on Roadmap Implementation Plan from the Centre for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies of the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).

Expected outputs from this consultancy
• Organize a design workshop bringing together PMI, IFRC, Zurich, Innovators and stakeholders to scope the
• Liaise with innovators and arrange project agreements
• Develop a selected number of innovations, by developing:
Scope Statement – A document that clearly defines the community need, benefits of the project, objectives, deliverables, and key milestones.
High-level Work Breakdown Schedule (WBS) – A visual representation that breaks down the scope of the project into manageable sections for the team.
Milestones – Identify high-level goals that need to be met throughout the project.
Communication Plan – For those projects that involves outside stakeholders, develop the proper messaging around the project and create a schedule of when to communicate with team members based on deliverables and milestones.
Risk Management Plan – Identify foreseeable risks to the project. Common risks include unrealistic time and cost estimates, changing requirements, and lack of committed resources.
Field testing innovations — support innovators, PMI and communities to develop innovations ready for community use
• Review IPB report and in consultations with stakeholders and communities, identify short term recommendations which can be implemented, based on available budget and timeframe

Only candidates meeting the above requirements are requested to apply.
Please submit your application letter addressing the above qualifications and experience with your curriculum vitae to:

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