Feasibility Study on Solid Waste Management Project – CDM Smith

We are currently searching for Local key experts for Feasibility Studies on Solid Waste Management projects in several cities in Indonesia.

The required experts are for the following positions:
(1) One Co-Team leader / technical SWM expert;
(2) Two Institutional Experts;
(3) Five Experts in technical MSWM projects (waste treatment, landfills, etc.);
(4) Two Financial Experts;
(5) Five Environmental and Social Experts

The detailed qualifications required for each post are:
1. Co. Team leader
Qualifications and skills:
University degree in civil engineering or related subjects
Proven negotiation and moderation skills with senior decision makers
Computer skills (MS Office software)
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Fluent in English
The Co-Team Leader shall be an Indonesian expert and have profound knowledge of country specific administrative processes related to the project requirements and specific knowledge of either SWM or institutional and organizational development

General professional experience:
A minimum of 10 years working experience in the SWM sector
Management experience

Specific professional experience:
Demonstrated expertise in solid waste management covering all major is-sues
A minimum of 5 years experience as Co Team Leader for projects with similar magnitude and complexity
Assessment of environmental and social impacts on project objectives

2. Institutional Expert
Qualifications and skills:
University degree in related field (a degree different from typical institutional development expertise can be accepted, if relevant experiences exist)
Proven negotiation and moderation skills with senior decision makers
Computer skills (MS Office software)
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Fluent in English

General professional experience:
A minimum of 10 years working experience in SWM or related sectors, shorter working experience between 5 and 10 years can be accepted if shorter working experience is outweighed by number of projects
Management experience

Specific professional experience:
Demonstrated expertise in institutional and organizational development and related advisory services, such as change management processes and others
A minimum of 5 years experience as a key expert for projects with similar magnitude and complexity
Advisory services for strengthening of organizational and institutional capacities of municipal departments and/or municipal independent entities

3. Technical SWM experts
Qualifications and skills:
University degree in engineering or related subjects
Proven negotiation and moderation skills with senior decision makers
Computer skills (MS Office software)
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Fluent in English

General professional experience:
A minimum of 10 years working experience in SWM sector, shorter working experience between 5 and 10 years can be accepted if shorter working experience is outweighed by number of projects
Management experience

Specific professional experience:
Demonstrated expertise in solid waste management covering technical is-sues such as development of collection and transport systems, landfill de-sign, waste treatment design (diversion of waste from landfills, waste to energy)
A minimum of 5 years experience as a key expert for projects with similar magnitude and complexity

4. Financial Expert
Qualifications and skills:
University degree in economics or related subjects (a degree different from typical financial/economic expertise can be accepted, if relevant experiences exist)
Proven negotiation and moderation skills with senior decision makers
Computer skills (MS Office software)
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Fluent in English
5 years experience as a key expert for projects with similar magnitude and complexity

5. Environmental and Social Experts
Qualifications and skills:
University degree in environmental engineering or related subjects
Proven negotiation and moderation skills with senior decision makers
Computer skills (MS Office software)
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Fluent in English, Bahasa knowledge is an advantage

General professional experience:
A minimum of 10 years working experience performing ESIA, preferably in SWM sector, shorter working experience between 5 and 10 years can be accepted if shorter working experience is outweighed by number of projects
Management experience

Specific professional experience:
Demonstrated expertise in working in environmental and social issues related to Advanced Integrated SWM projects. Preparation of environmental and social impact assessment projects and reports. Achievement of environmental permits, public participation processes,
Proven expertise in communication and mediation
A minimum of 5 years experience as a key expert for projects with similar magnitude and complexity in developing countries

6. Further international and national expert pool (short and long-term experts)
The experts of the expert pool shall complete the expertise of the key consultants and support them in carrying out the project activities. The exact number of experts depends on the consultant’s methodology and implementation approach.

The experts have to have professional experience in all fields relevant for the Project and must have at least 5 years of specific experience in the area of expertise they are proposed for, shorter working experience between 3 and 5 years can be accepted if shorter working experience is outweighed by number of projects. They must have professional experience in developing countries and good knowledge of English.


7. Backstopping and monitoring staff
Qualifications and skills:
University degree in economics, engineering or related subjects
Good interpersonal and written communication skills.
Fluent in English
General professional experience:
15 years working experience in the SWM or related sectors

Specific professional experience:
Demonstrated experience with project management and supervision or technical backstopping of SWM projects
Regional experience is an advantage.

Expected Period of Services:
Employment is expected to begin in March 2018 with the project duration of 12-13 months.

How to apply:
Please submit the cover letter and CV in English to marianaa@cdmsmith.com with the format: Job Position_Name.
Deadline for submission of applicants 14 October 2017.
Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted.

We will review applications on rolling basis.

For additional information about our company, please visit our website at www.cdmsmith.com.

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