Consultant for Value Chain Analysis – USAID JAPRI

Project Background:
JAdi Pengusaha MandiRI (JAPRI) project is a USAID-funded project implemented by IIE (Institute of International Education) with sub implementers: Prestasi Junior Indonesia (PJI), Mien R Uno Foundation (MRUF), and Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF). As Indonesia’s economy continues to grow, economic inequality is also increasing, and the population living near or below the poverty line is at risk of being left behind. Entrepreneurship provides an important avenue for poor and vulnerable (P&V) youth to improve their livelihoods, create economic opportunity for themselves and others in their communities, and contribute to Indonesia’s economic development. However, P&V youth face barriers to launching their own businesses. Existing entrepreneurship programs rarely address challenges particular to this group – including foundational skill gaps, difficulty obtaining financing, and the need for intensive coaching and mentoring to help them start and grow successful enterprises. JAPRI will leverage and tailor existing entrepreneurship resources to develop, test, and scale an approach to promoting entrepreneurship among P&V youth. JAPRI will work with local governments and other stakeholders as appropriate (i.e. university, small business owners) to identify potential P&V youth, develop modules of training, as well as modules of coaching. JAPRI will also take advantage of youth representatives to ensure a youth-friendly entrepreneurship module.

Project Purpose and Objectives: The purpose of the JAPRI program is to equip P&V youth aged 18-30 with entrepreneurship and other basic skills, provide them with seed funding, and link them to additional financing and ongoing support that will help them start and grow businesses. We will achieve this purpose through the following objectives:
· Objective 1: Generate interest in entrepreneurship and willingness to take risks among P&V youth and support within their families and communities
· Objective 2: Equip P&V youth who have entrepreneurship potential with knowledge and skills to start and grow businesses that respond to local market conditions
· Objective 3: Provide ongoing support to P&V youth entrepreneurs including coaching, seed funding, access to market analysis and financing, and linkages to the business community

To support the project, JAPRI will conduct a value chain analysis to gain a better understanding of available support systems for business development, access to financial institutions, and access to markets for P&V youth.
Value Chain Analysis Objective
– To identify market potential and recommend potential business for P&V youth
– To identify potential financial institutions that provide support for P&V youth
– To identify local business development services (including government-led Pusat Layanan Usaha Terpadu) and their available resources for youth
Scope of the assignment
• Develop and finalize the methodology of the value chain analysis and, in consultation with the JAPRI program team, recommend the sector(s) to be analyzed.
• Lead the team from PJI and MRUF to conduct the value chain analysis. The team will need to:
– Analyze the most promising products or services from the selected setor(s). Analysis should lay out a value chain mapping, boundaries and role of related stakeholders. Analysis should also ensure the market availabilty for P&V youth products/services.
– Recommend potential buyers of youth products
– Recommend links to financial services
– Analyze the resources available for P&V youth, including local business development services such as the government-led Pusat Layanan Usaha Terpadu/PLUT


The various approaches that will be utilized in the Value Chain Analysis are detailed below.
1. Literature review of other value chain mappings in Indonesia, especially in Bandung and/or West Java and Trenggalek and/or East Java.
2. Literature review of other research/studies/assessments on micro and small enterprise (MSE) development.
3. In depth interviews or meeting with stakeholders in value chain, business development services, and financial institutions.
4. Conduct Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with youth and value chain actors (stakeholders for the selected value chain).

• 5 years of experience in the area of economic development and demonstrated understanding of the value chain process.
• Solid understanding of the socio-economic conditions in Indonesia and region.
• Strong analytical skills, including small scale business planning and financial modeling.
• Proven donor-funded project experience, demonstrating detail orientation, proactive attention to outcomes and expectations, and ability to analyze and effectively use information and data.
• Experience in completing value chain analysis or feasibility studies
• Good understanding of financial access and business development services
• Experience in writing study reports in English.

Expected Deliverables
The Consultant will develop a work plan and reports as stated below :

a. Work plan/schedule: A work plan/schedule is created within 5 working days after the start date of the consultancy.
b. Interim Report: The interim report will be submitted 45 days after the start date of the consultancy.
c. Value Chain Analysis Report: First draft of report will be submitted at least 2 weeks before Dec 31, 2017. Second draft of report will be submitted by Dec 31, 2017.

Both Work Plan and Reports should be prepared in dual languages, English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Soft copies (in Microsoft Word) of the report will be provided to USAID JAPRI.

Time Frame

The Value Chain Analysis will be conducted from October 1 to December 2017.

Procedure for Expression of Interest
First Phase: Interested consultant should submit an Expression of Interest to USAID JAPRI M&E Specialist at by September 26, 2017, enclosing the following required documents:
1. CV highlighting previous experience in conducting value chain analysis, micro/small enterprise development and working with youth.
2. Not more than 5-page proposal consists of:
· Technical Proposal: the description of proposed activities, illustrative work plan with schedule and timeline
The technical proposal should demonstrate the candidate’s understanding of value chain analysis. The consultant should also describe her/his experience in conducting similar consultancy.
· Budget Proposal.

Second Phase: USAID JAPRI will shortlist candidates and invite candidate to present the proposals.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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