1. Background
Hivos has been promoted application of biogas technology through its program called Indonesia Domestic Biogas Programme (IDBP/ BIRU programme) since 2012. One of the new initiatives related to this program is to intensify the usage of bio-slurry that produced from biogas digester introduce duckweed/Lemna production by farmers to enlarge the role of this promising high protein aquatic plant in the food chain for cattle, pigs, poultry and fish. Funds have been obtained from NWO-WOTRO and Millennium Challenge Account-Indonesia to develop this project in West Java, Yogyakarta, NTB (Lombok Island), and NTT (Sumba Island). Various bio-slurry and Lemna researches have been conducted in regards to seek its profitability as organic fodder (Lemna) for livestock and as organic fertilizer (bio-slurry).
In addition to the existing project activities, Hivos would like to define the state-of-the-art of bio-slurry application on selected commodity in Indonesia. The destructive usage of chemical fertilizer has been a complex issue in agriculture practices worldwide, including Indonesia because it degrades the natural biochemical features of soil, besides having toxic potential to plants and groundwater. Therefore, Hivos open calls for potential experts to conduct desk reviews on bio-slurry (from cow dung) application on cocoa and palm in Indonesia. Bio-slurry contains organic compositions, high absorption efficiency, and attachment with soil grains, so that bio-slurry is potentially applicable for Indonesian farmer. The desk review reports are expected to be resourceful and reliable references for sustainable agriculture practices.
2. Objective
• To provide detail review of existing, selected, trusted, reliable sources of information related to the required topics.
• To analyze critically a segment of a published body of knowledge, and comparison of research studies, reviews of literature, and theoretical articles.
• To describe the best practices of bio-slurry application in cacao and palm in Indonesia.
• To define the state-of-the-art of bio-slurry application in cacao and palm in Indonesia.
• To provide lesson learnt from existing information and recommendations for application or the next research phase.
3. Methodology
– Internal review : collecting data within Hivos and its consortium partners
– External review : collecting relevant information outside the organizational boundaries
4. Output
The output of this consultancy service is to provide 2 clean desk review reports:
1) Desk study report on bio-slurry application in cacao
2) Desk study report on bio-slurry application in palm
The final document format must be Ms. Word in Bahasa Indonesia with annexes.
Report outline must include, but not limited to:
Preliminary Pages
1. Cover page
2. Foreword, contents provided by Hivos
3. Table of Contents, using “Table of Contents” feature in Ms. Word
4. List of Figure, using “Insert Table of Figures” feature in Ms. Word
5. List of Table, using “Insert Table of Figures” feature in Ms. Word
Body Section
6. Part 1: Preface, 1-2 page
7. Part 2: Definition, from study literature, preferably in table, 1 page
8. Part 3: Methodology, 1-4 page
9. Part 4: Result and Analysis, max. 13 pages
10. Part 5: Conclusion
Closing section
11. Bibliography, using consistent standard.
12. Annex
– Spreadsheet of data input and analysis
– List of interviewees with data segregation on gender, age, profession, address, phone number, role in family and number of family members.
– Filled interview forms
– Other documents as proofs of research data validity
Research team
– Research team consist of GADING Project team member and a local consultant
5. Timeline
The consultant will start on 17 November 2017 to 15 December 2017 with the following activities :
a. Methodology completed and approved by Hivos by 17 November 2017.
b. Preliminary research draft completed and approved by Hivos by 7 December 2017.
c. Final research draft completed and approved by Hivos by 15 December 2017.
6. Knowledge, experiences and competencies
We are seeking candidates with the following qualities:
• Research consultant can be an independent researcher or an institution.
• An expert in the field of agriculture.
• Minimum educational background of the researcher is master degree.
• Available full time during period of 6 November – 15 December 2017.
7. How to apply?
To apply this position please submit a curriculum vitae, letter of interest (including proposed budget) and 2-3 research samples for Hivos consideration no later than 5 November 2017 to hr.sea@hivos.org, cc to miranda@hivos.org and apermatasari@hivos.org with email subject: Consultant for Desk Review
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.