Vision for Indonesia
We envision an Indonesia where women are equal citizens and everyone can
enjoy their rights even in times of shocks and disaster.
Calling Consultant for
Implementation of Climate Change Component.
The Empower Youth for Work (EYW) project in Indonesia aims to reduce
poverty in rural coastal areas that are prone to the impact of climate
change, by empowering youth (especially young women) to secure viable
employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. This project will
facilitate youth (young women and men) to gain better employment
opportunities by strengthening their capacities, helping them to develop
the right attitudes and behaviours for work; generating and improving new
economic opportunities in the form of entrepreneurship and paid
employment; enabling them to engage with companies to get better work
environments; and assisting them to claim their rights to better health,
and to enjoy social environments that support their growth and potential.
Because the project sites are prone to the impacts of climate change,
youth will be provided with knowledge on climate change to enable them to
build their resilience, adapt, and mitigate the risk of climate change
impacts that could affect their enterprises and communities. Youth will
also be provided with knowledge on sexual and reproductive health rights
(SRHR) so that they (especially young women) can have the control over
their bodies, preventing sexual exploitation. Parents and community
members will be involved to create an enabling and healthy environment for
youth to become self-reliant and to develop their enterprises and
entrepreneurship. Government and companies will be engaged and made
accountable for increased gender-sensitive and youth-friendly policies.
Objectives of the Project
1. The project will be implemented in Sulawesi and Java islands. In
Sulawesi, the project will focus on two provinces: South Sulawesi and
Southeast Sulawesi. In Java, the project will focus on West Java.
2. The main target of the project will be girls and women aged 15 to
24 living in rural coastal areas, but will also target young men. We will
focus on youth who have limited opportunities to develop their life skills
or the skills required to take up formal employment or develop
3. We will focus on areas that provide significant opportunities for
employment and enterprise generation (e.g. by ensuring market
infrastructure is in place, private sector is active etc).
4. The number of youth that will benefit directly (20,310) and
indirectly (95,183) from the project will be 115,493, of which about 70%
will be young women
Scope of Work
The detail of activities on climate change component describes below:
1. Developing interactive training and campaign materials on climate
In this activity, the implementing partner will develop youth-friendly
interactive training materials on climate change and also environmental
education. The training materials could be a movie related to climate
change, training card related to environmental education, series of games
on environment, modules of youth and the effect of climate change, or any
other kind of materials which is suitable. It is expected that the
training materials will also match with the context and culture of the
youth in EYW project area that are South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and
West Java area.
The development of interactive training materials doesn’t have to be new,
but can be combine with other existing materials as long as it is matched
with the context of EYW project. For Southeast Sulawesi and West Java,
there will only be given the modules to implement training materials to be
implemented by EYW partner in Southeast Sulawesi and West Java areas.
Timeframe: 4 December 2017-20 December 2017
2. Implementing training on climate change
The implementing partner is expected to coordinate the trainings. The
implementation of the training materials itself can be in a form of ToT
(Training of Trainers) if using modules or series of workshop to high
schools/universities in South Sulawesi. The EYW partners will send
trainers from Southeast Sulawesi and West Java to attend the Training of
Trainers session so that they can implement in their respective areas.
There will be at least one training per month in the area of South
Sulawesi, consist of Pangkep, Barru, and Maros in high school and
university. The implementation of training can also being combined with
other series of activities such as roadshow and mini competition
Timeframe: 8 January 2018-31 October 2018
3. Mini Competition on Climate Change Campaign
The implementing partner is expected to coordinate the competition. There
will be mini competition on climate change open for National level
(include 3 project provinces). The competition could be a vlog
competition, photography, and other variety of competition related to the
climate change and environmental education. From this competition, the
winner could also joined and become the ambassadors of EYW Climate Change
campaign to promote the effect and impact of climate change to the youth
especially in rural coastal areas. The mini competition will also be “a
call to action” for the youth to be more involved in the activity of
tackling the impact of climate change campaign. The competition will be
announced in the online platform (social media) and also offline (using
brochure, posters, etc at high schools and university).
Timeframe: 25 January 2018-22 April 2018
4. Roadshow on Climate Change Campaign.
The implementing partner is expected to coordinate the roadshow. There
will be Roadshow on Climate Change will be implemented at three targeted
provinces of EYW (South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and West Java). The
roadshow will be a promotional activity of climate change such as
promotion to schools, mass media, radio, youth media, and other kind of
roadshow to increase the outreach of climate change campaign. The roadshow
will promote the climate change component in Empower Youth for Work,
especially on Mini Competition. The roadshow can also be a series of
mini-workshop of environmental education at school for the youth to be
more attracted to the issues of climate change.
Timeframe: February 2018-March 2018
1. Training and campaign materials on climate change (include social
2. Youth have increased awareness and knowledge on climate change
3. Youth take part on climate change campaign activities
(competition, roadshow, etc) and trainings
4. Youth take action to tackle climate change impact
5. High numbers of climate change activities outreach (online and
6. Documentation of activities and events (Photo, Video, etc)
Objectives of the Consultancy
The main objective of this consultancy is to provide youth in EYW project
area with climate change component which will be implemented through
training and campaign activities. The implementing organization is
expected to coordinate all the activities mentioned above with supervision
and guidance from EYW team from Oxfam in Indonesia. The results of this
consultancy are number of beneficiaries which will contribute to EYW
project in Indonesia.
Skills & Qualifications
To implement Climate Change component in this project, we are currently
looking for national consultant particularly organisation who works on
Climate Change issues especially related to youth to be our implementing
partners. We do really appreciate if this organisation has their own
workplan on climate change issue, then we will do collaboration to gain
greater impact.
Time Frame
Dec 4th , 2017 to Oct 31st , 2018
Proposal should be submitted with below complete supporting details;
1. Organisation Profile
2. Detailed budget and concept based on TOR and proposed activity
3. Team description: composition, experiences, leadership, and
structure of organization
4. Sample of successful practice in conducting similar activities (or
valid hyper links to sample of online and offline campaign)
5. Applicants should write proposal with detail implementation
planning and overall budget for the activities, and all related cost
including travel cost, workshop and meeting. Proposals are invited for
local NGOs who meet the profile described above. Proposals must also
include a clear itemized budget. Any proposals that do not include an
itemized budget will not be considered. Total ceiling budget are expected
to be not more than EUR 20000,- including travel and other related cost of
6. Resume should be submitted electronically by November 22nd, 2017
at the latest to with Climate Change-Empower Youth
for Work Indonesia as the subject of your email.
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