Attorney ( Legal-Att )
Education background in Law.
Have knowledge and understanding related to the Criminal Procedure including but not limited to the Criminal Procedure Code, the Civil Procedure Code, Arbritase, State Administrative Procedure Law, Etc.
Previous experience in handling 3 civil cases and 3 criminal cases.
Compliance Analyst (Legal-Comp)
Education background in Law.
Have knowledge and understanding related to Legal Due Diligence, good corporate governance (GCG), Risk Management (analysis and mitigation aspects of the law), and the Code of Conduct.
Legal Planning & Development Analyst (Legal-PDA)
Education background in Law.
Have knowledge and understanding related to Legal Due Diligence, good corporate governance (GCG), Risk Management (analysis and mitigation aspects of the law), and the Code of Conduct
Have a good skills in innovation, planning, analysis, and follow-up related to the needs of the organization and legal human resource development.
Senior Contract Analyst (Legal-SCA)
Education background in Law.
Have knowledge and understanding in the preparation Contract Drafting, Legal Drafting, preparing and reviewing agreements, granting the Legal Opinion includes but is not limited to the procurement of goods and services cooperation agreement and / or commercial in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry.
For further information, please refer official source from PT Pertamina (Persero) on following link below. To apply for this opportunity, please submit your application by signing into Pertamina’s linked erecruitment website The closing date of application submission is 14 August 2015, so make sure you submit the documents prior to the date. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be followed up.