Level of Education Bachelor / Licence Areas of study Technical & Maintenance Professional experiences 3 to 5 years Languages essential Bahasa Indonesia Optional languages English
Essential And Optional Requirements
Key tasks
You check, measure, clean, tighten and replace the different electrical elements (electrical connections, terminals, circuit-breakers,). You identify any risks and reduce them to a minimum. You study the construction and maintenance projects at your disposal. You must also be aware of the procedures for re-powering the hotel, and the regulations and health and safety rules. You carry out the checks planned in the maintenance programme (heating, insulation, voltage, intensity, frequency). In case of breakdown, you determine the origin of the problem by carrying out a series of tests. You determine actions to implement to repair the system as quickly as possible. You replace faulty parts or components, modify cables, make connections. You carry out the regulation tests before restarting. You fill out and sign technical maintenance sheets to complete the maintenance files of equipment. You are responsible for the electrical installations for new buildings. For renovation projects, you replace old systems to meet current regulations and safety standards. Based on the construction plans provided, you determine the whereabouts of electrical elements. You then lay cables, wires, electrical cabinets and sockets.
At Novotel, we grow faster
Feel fully responsible, be autonomous, adaptable, professional, have a love of adventureand a desire to stretch your limits: that’s the Novotel spirit .
An international brand with a network of 400 hotels in 60 countries, Novotel’s successis due to the professionalism and enthusiasm of its 30 000 employees whohave been embodying the brand’s ideals for over 40 years.
DNA of the brand, innovation is at the heart of the promise made to employees: “At Novotel, we grow faster” . To transform this promise into reality, Novotelhas implemented a unique human resources policy declined around five mainprofessional career paths. Novotel accompanies each employee throughout their career.Integration, geographic mobility, bridging provision, skills development… everyoneis given the opportunity to progress quickly and go further. Impossible is not Novotel.
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