Pembina Sentra (PS)
Female, maximum age of 28 years old.
Minimum Senior High School (SMA) or equivalent, Diploma (D1-D3) and Bachelor Degree (S1) from all majors.
Liked the field work and able to riding a motorcycle.
Willing to work and live in villages throughout the province of Central Java and DIY.
For further information, please refer official source from CDC UNS on following link below. For those who are interested and possess the above required qualifications, please send your application not later than 31 July 2015 to or SMS to 0857 0006 2485 with format FJTG*NAME*EDUCATION*AGE*GENDER*DOMICILE, for example FJTG*RANI APRILIA*S1*P*SEMARANG. Only qualified candidate match with the above mentioned qualifications will be followed up.