Request for proposal (RFP) for developing the Landscape

I. Scope of the assignment:
The objective of the assignment is to assist SGP National Coordinator andNational Steering Committees:

a. to conduct a seascape-wide baseline based on adeveloped set of indicators for resilience in socio-ecological productionseascapes/
b. to develop thefour year GEF SGP Indonesia Phase6 Country Programme Landscape/SeascapeStrategy for each targeted area;
c. to giveinput for the GEF tracking tools for GEF SGP Indonesia Phase-6;
d. to give recommendationfor implementation GEF SGP Indonesia work plan;
e. to assistSGP secretariat for implementing Strategic Plan for each targeted area;
f. to conducttwo stakeholder workshops;
g. to conductex-post projects studies for each targeted area.

II. Deliverables
a. The Four-year strategic plan including aresults and resources framework for each targeted area of SGP Indonesia Phase-6through developing of indicators for resilience in socio-ecologicalproduction seascapes/landscapes (duration:3 months)
a. The recommendation for GEF tracking tools thatshould be achieved during implementation of SGP Indonesia Phase-6 (duration: 3 months)
b. The recommendation for implementation ofWorkplan and log frame of G GEF SGP Indonesia Phase-6 (duration: 3 months)
c. Monitoring and evaluation Plan (timeline: from 2018-2020)
d. At least tworeports on the process including stakeholder consultations and workshops (timeline: from2018-2020)
e. At leastfour case studies of ex-post project studies for implementing GEF SGP Phase-6for each targeted areas (timeline: from2018-2020)

III. Who may submit proposals: All of activities may beorganized by an appropriate, experienced consortium of national or subnationalNGOs or academic institutions as an on-the-ground capacity building project andfinanced by a grant. Theproposal will clearly present the experience of the applicant and its partner’sorganizations in the issues to be addressed.

IV. Competencies:
• Demonstrated capacity for strategic thinking,and expertise in seascape management.
• Proven experiences in working withcommunity-led initiatives.
• Proven capacity to produce high qualityqualitative research and ability to absorb, analyze and synthesize largeamounts of complex information within tight deadlines.
• Strong presentation and facilitation skills.
• Exceptional writing skills of policy andcommunication materials for a variety of audiences, including the civil societyand policymakers.
• Excellent command of English with exceptional writing, presentation,communication and facilitation skills.

V. Budget: The maximum amount pergrant award for such baseline assessment project will be limited to$150.000, with applicants required to provide a detailed budgetary estimate.
VI. Period of services (if applicable): 25 September 2017- 31 Agustus2020.

For proposal submission and more information,contact:

Catharina Dwihastarini, National Coordinator, GEF SmallGrants Programme

Completed proposalsshould be received by the SGP National Coordinator no later than September 15,2017, with subject: RFP Strategic Grant for Developing Strategyemail:

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