Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang / Jasa Pemerintah Lowongan Kerja

Software Programmer


Male/Female, age around 25-35 years old.
Minimum S1 in the field of Informatics, Computer Engineering, Electro or equivalent.
Minimum 2 years of experience in the field of IT.
Minimum 2 project portofolios in web based Development Information System applications (proven by CV and Portfolio).
Strong knowledge and skills in programming language PHP and or Java, C#.
Mastering MySQL database andor SQL server, preferably mastering MySQL database.
Having a good commitment.

Application should contains the below documents :

Application letter, addressed to Pejabat Pengadaan Biro Perencanaan, Organisasi Dan Tata Laksana LKPP.
Color photograph 4×6.
Educational diploma and transcript.
Other relevant certificates.

For further information, please refer official source from LKPP on following link below. Those who have close qualifications above are encouraged to send your all required documents above not later than 28 June 2015 to BPOT@LKPP.GO.ID. Please write the desire position on the email subject. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.

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