Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang / Jasa Lowongan Kerja

Staf Pendukung Kegiatan Penyusunan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan di Bidang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah – Code : SP01


Male or Female, age minimum 23 years and maximum 30 years old.
Have minimum 1 year experience.
Background in Bachelor Degree in Law from a reputable university with the minimum accredited B and minimum GPA 2.75 within 4.00 scales.
Mastering Microsoft Office.
Have integrity and high motivation.
Strong desire to develop themselves.
Good communication skills and eager to learn.
Able to work independently and in teams.
Able to work with target.
Never involved in drugs and other illegal.
2 positions available.

Staf Pendukung Kegiatan Penyusunan Pedoman dan Standar Teknis di Bidang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah – Code : SP02


Male or Female, age minimum 23 years and maximum 30 years old.
Have minimum 1 year experience.
Background in Bachelor Degree in Law from a reputable university with the minimum accredited B and minimum GPA 2.75 within 4.00 scales.
Mastering Microsoft Office.
Have integrity and high motivation.
Strong desire to develop themselves.
Good communication skills and eager to learn.
Able to work independently and in teams.
Able to work with target.
Never involved in drugs and other illegal.
2 positions available.

Staf Pendukung Administrasi Kegiatan Direktorat Pengembangan Strategi dan Kebijakan Pengadaan Umum – Code : SA01


Male, age minimum 22 years and maximum 28 years old.
Have minimum 1 year experience in the government institution. Fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
Background in Diploma Degree (D3) in any field with minimum GPA 2.75 within 4.00 scales.
Communicative, proactive and strong interpersonal skills.
Mastering Microsoft Office.
Mastering graphic design application is an added value.
Able to work under pressure and target.
Able to work independently and in teams.
Eager to learn.
Have integrity and high motivation.
Never involved in drugs and other illegal.
1 position available.

Required application documents:

Application letter, addressed to Pejabat Pengadaan Direktorat Pengembangan Strategi dan Kebijakan Pengadaan Umum;
Curriculum Vitae (CV);
Copy of ID Card;
Color photograph 3×4;
A legalized copy of academic diploma;
A legalized copy of academic transcript;
Other relevant certificate(s) or document(s) to support the application;
Proof of the results of Computer Assisted Test (CAT) with the score composition of at least : 70 for national awareness test, 75 for general intelligence test and 126 for personal characteristics test.
For CAT test which was conducted in 2015, please enclose evidence of CAT results in the cover letter.
For applicants who have never done a CAT test before, must willing to take the test at the next recruitment stage.

For further information, please refer official source from LKPP on following link below. If you strong confindence you meet the requirement above, please send your application in PDF format to kebijakanumumlkpp@gmail.com and fenita.e@lkpp.go.id. Please write Lamaran Staff Pendukung Direktorat (space) Position Code. Application should be submitted no later than 29 January 2016, 16.00 Jakarta time. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.

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