Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara Republik Indonesia Lowongan Kerja

Pengadaan Tenaga Kehumasan Kementerian BUMN dengan jalur outsourcing 2015

Tenaga Jurnalistik


Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) Communication Studies with GPA min. 3.00 within 4.00 scales.
Willing to work full-time.
Willing to work with deadline.
Have portfolio/certificate(s) in the field of journalism.
Have strong interest in covering and producing the news.
Technical skills in news writting (hardnews and softnews) as evidence by submitting published news.
Have the ability and ethics to speak to the public.
Mastering TIK and media online management.

Tenaga Hubungan Kelembagaan


Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) all majors with GPA min. 3.00 within 4.00 scales, preferably majoring in Communication Studies, Political Studies, International Relation.
Willing to work full-time.
Have strong interest in service coordination between agencies.
Have a good knowledge about Indonesian political system.
Have the ability to draw up the minutes / meeting pointers in a short time.
Have the ability and ethics to speak to the public.
Mastering TIK and media online management.
Have series of organization activities is an advantage.

Tenaga Pengelola Portal Publik


Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) all majors with GPA min. 3.00 within 4.00 scales, preferably majoring in Communication Studies and/or Public Relation.
Willing to work full-time.
Strong understanding about the function of managing public portal as a means of institution communication to the public.
Experienced in managing website to include a screenshot and display website addresses ever managed.
Strong understanding about the classification of public information in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Have a good news writting skill.
Have a good skills in managing social media, including writting and filtering the information.
Able to coordinate across agencies.
Mastering TIK and media online management.

Tenaga Pelayanan Publik


Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) all majors with GPA min. 3.00 within 4.00 scales, preferably majoring in Communication Studies and/or Public Relation.
Willing to work full-time.
Understanding the Law No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information.
Strong understanding about the classification of public information in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Understanding the implementation of public disclosure.
Able to coordinate across agencies.
Have the ability and ethics to speak to the public.
Mastering TIK and media online management.
Able to draw up laws and regulations.

Tenaga Penerjemah Bahasa Asing


Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) all majors with GPA min. 3.00 within 4.00 scales, preferably Language graduates.
Willing to work full-time.
Mastering English/Chinese language, at least intermediate level.
Able to translate a conversation between two or more people involved in the conversation.
Have a good basic writing skill.
Have a good public speaking skill.
Able to work hard, spry, agile and independent.
Willing to be assigned according to the location of activities.

Required application documents:

An application letter in the desired position;
Curriculum Vitae (CV);
Scanned copy of latest diploma;
Photograph 4×6;
Scanned copies relevant certificates or documents to support the application.

For further information, please refer official source from Kementerian BUMN on following link below. If you match the profile and are interested in this exiting career opportunity, please submit all required application documents above at the very latest by 28 December 2015, via email and address it to (max. 2 MB for attachment). Please write “Lamaran Tenaga Outsourcing 2016” on the email subject. All applications will be handled in strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be followed up.

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