Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik seek Youth Program Coordinato – Save the Children

The Youth Program Coordinator will lead all youth program activities of Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik (YSTC) under North Jakarta Field Office. Currently, youth program under North Jakarta Field Office is FUTSAL (Future Success Through Sport, Awareness, and Learning) Project; with potential new additional youth programmes coming. Program implementation duties include ensuring all program activities are implemented according to plan and at a high-level of quality; all reporting and planning is completed in a timely manner and at a high-quality; all communications are completed in a timely and accurate manner; we coordinate well with key external stakeholders; all child safeguarding controls are enforced; and financial and administrative management adheres to Save the Children and donors policies, regulations, and good practices. The Youth Program Coordinator will also lead on program planning and ensure we advocate with key government stakeholders to achieve positive change using evidence from our program work as the basis. S/he will represent YSTC and Save the Children in the respected area; in particularly related to youth programming, and support program development and emergency preparedness and response. The position will require travel to field locations and support for hosting donor visits. In the event of a major humanitarian emergency, the role holder will be expected to work outside the normal role profile and be able to vary working hours accordingly.

Please visit our site for more detail:http://indonesia.savethechildren.net/jobs and/or: www.savethechildren.or.id

Updated CV and application letter should be sent to recruitment.indonesia@savethechildren.org

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