1 Relationship Manager (RM)
RM Kantor Pemasaran Balikpapan (01-RM-BPN)
RM Kantor Pusat Jakarta (02-RM-JKT)
2 Assistant Relationship Manager (ARM)
ARM Kantor Pemasaran Balikpapan (03-ARM-BPN)
ARM Kantor Pusat Jakarta (04-ARM-JKT)
Analis Resiko Kantor Pusat (05-AR-JKT)
Analis Resiko Kantor Wilatah Medan (06-AR-MDN)
4 Pelaksana Senior (PS)
Pelaksana Senior Administrasi & Kepatuhan Kantor Pemasaran Balikpapan (08-OS-BPN)
Pelaksana Senior Administrasi & Kepatuhan Kantor Pemasaran Surakarta (09-OS-SLO)
Pelaksana Senior Sistem Informasi Eksekutif Kantor Pusat Jakarta (10-SIE-JKT)
5 Sekretaris & Resepsionis (SEC/RES)
Sekretaris Kantor Pusat Jakarta (11-Sec-JKT)
Resepsionis Kantor Pusat Jakarta (12-Res-JKT)
General Requriements
Graduates of a leading public/rpivate universities (PTN/PTS) with GPA min. 3.00.
Have a background of experience and / or qualifications in accordance with the requirements of the position.
Not exceed 35 years of age.
Proficiency in the English language (written and verbal).
Able to work in a team.
Special Requirements
Relationship Manager (RM) & Analis Resiko (AR)
Minimum 5 years of experience in banking.
Certified Risk Management at Banking is favorable.
Assistant Relationship Manager (ARM)
Minimum 1 year of experience in banking.
Strong knowledge of banking industry.
Pelaksana Senior (PS)
Minimum 1 year of experience in banking.
Strong knowledge of banking industry and/or accounting.
Sekretaris & Resepsionis (SEC/RES)
Minimum 1 year of experience in banking.
Strong knowledge of secretarial field.
For further information, please refer official source from Indonesia EximBank on following link below. If you are interested and competent in accordance with the requirements, please send your updated CV to recruitment@indonesiaeximbank.go.id. Please write position code on your email subject and CV. Application will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will receive responses.