Recruitment Pupuk Kaltim October 2015
Education required
Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Electro Engineering (Telecommunication), Mechanical Engineering, Law, Chemical Engineering.
Diploma Degree (D3) majoring in Electronics Engineering (weak current), Electricity Engineering (Power Lines), Chemical Engineering, K3/Safety, Mechanical Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Accounting, Agriculture, Administration (Business/Commerce/Office), Civil Engineering.
Senior High School or equivalent (SMA/MA/SMK), majoring in Science (IPA), Electronics, Electricity Power Lines, Chemical Analyst, Industrial Chemical, Mechanical (Production/Industrial/Automotive/Energy Conversion/Maintenance/Planning).
General Requirements
Indonesian Citizen (WNI) who have a valid ID card East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim).
S1 : Electro Engineering (Telecommunication), Mechanical Engineering.
D3 : Electronics Engineering (weak current), Electricity Engineering (Power Lines), Chemical Engineering, K3/Safety, Mechanical Engineering.
SMA/MA/SMK : Science (IPA), Electronics, Electricity Power Lines, Chemical Analyst, Industrial Chemical, Mechanical (Production/Industrial/Automotive/Energy Conversion/Maintenance/Planning).
S1 : Law, Chemical Engineering.
D3 : Informatics Engineering, Accounting, Agriculture, Administration (Business/Commerce/Office), Civil Engineering.
Birth date
S1 : birth began on 19 October 1989 onwards.
D3 : birth began on 19 October 1991 onwards.
SMA/MA/SMK : birth began on 19 October 1992 onwards.
Possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 grade scale (for D3 and S1) or minimum average diploma score of 7 (for SMA/MA/SMK).
Minimum TOEFL score of 450 (for S1) and 400 (for D3).
Physically and mentally healthy. For Senior High School SMA/MA/SMK (SLTA) applicants : minimum height of 160 cm with balanced weight.
Has never participated in the selection of candidates at Pupuk Kaltim in August 2015.
Willing to be placed according to the needs of the company.
Free from drugs and other related.
Application should contains the below documents :
Application letter, addressed to Manajer Kesejahteraan & Hubind PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, Bontang;
Curriculum Vitae (CV);
Legalized copy of academic diploma or temporary degree verification statements (SKL).
Legalized copy of academic transcript for D3/S1.
Legalized copy of UAN result for SMA/MA/SMK.
Copy of TOEFL certificate for S1/D3 applicants.
Copy of valid ID Card Kaltim.
Copy of valid SKCK area Kaltim.
Copy of valid AK/ I (kartu kuning) Kaltim.
Color photograph 3×4 cm (2 sheets).
Drug-free statement letter (stamped).
Application form.
Note :
Application and drug free forms can be downloaded at here.
Addresses should be clear and accompanied by a valid mobile phone or telephone number.
For further information, please refer official source from PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur on following link below. If you are interested in working at PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur and have met the requirements as mentioned above, please bring directly all documents above on 19 – 22 October 2015 (working hours) at Kantor Perwakilan Kaltim- Jl Pupuk Raya No 54 Balikpapan. For SMK applicants must submit their application itself because will be done the height measurement by the committee. All application will kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.