Account Officer
Male/Female, Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
Maximum age of 25 years old (fresh graduate) and 35 years old (experienced in the field of marketing).
Background in Bachelor Degree in all majors (non educational) from an accredited universities with GPA 2.75.
Good looking, not color blind and excellent communication skill.
Placement area : Semarang, Ungaran, Kudus, Pati and Kendal.
For further information, please refer official source from CC Udinus on following link below.Interested candidates should send their application letter with full CV including a recent photograph (4×6), medical certificate, SKCK, full transcript and diploma to PT Bank BRISyariah KC Semarang Pandanaran – Jl Pandanaran No 127 Semarang, email cc Please quote AO on top – right corner of the envelope or subject line. Application will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will receive responses.