Tenaga Perbantuan Pengelola Konten Portal
Male / Female with the maximum age of 25 years old.
Indonesian citizens (WNI).
Preferred are not married and live in the Greater Jakarta (JABODETABEK).
Minimum education of D3 / S1 majoring in Accounting / Financial Management from the State University / Private University (PTN/PTS) with minimum accreditation B.
Possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 grade scale.
Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office.
Able to develop presentation materials.
Able to understand and analyze financial statements.
Fluent in English both active and passive.
Salary range Rp 3.750.000, –
Required application documents:
Application letter;
Curriculum Vitae (WV);
Copy of academic diploma;
Copy of academic transcript;
Copy of NPWP;
Latest passport photo;
Working reference and other relevant documents (if it ever worked before).
For further information, please refer official source from Kementerian BUMN on following link below. Qualified Individuals are invited to submit all required application documents above to ptt2016@bumn.go.id (Maximum attachment file size of 5 MB). Please write “Tenaga Perbantuan Pengelola Konten Portal” on your email subject. Closing date 15 December 2015. All applications will be handled in strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be followed up.